Friday, 20 May 2011

A tribute to Technology

Yes...this is my way of showing appreciation...

I have been pretty ill and alone the past week...and if it was not for the ability to call my family and friends who are staying in another continent, another country or few miles away , I am pretty sure I would not have survived...

If it was not for the computer ...if it was not for the internet...if it was not for facebook, I would be in tears as I would be lacking the company and the amount of time I manage to not know because of it...

If it was for the ingenious invention of the television and the broadcasting on the same...I would miss the movies, the serials and again would have to much time in my hands...

And my mind if left truly a devil's I am just plain lucky and glad that I am living in an era of technology...

1 comment:

  1. Hope you are feeling better now.

    Advancement in technology has come to play an important and helpful role in our daily lives. At the same time, there are some disadvantages also like unemployment and privacy.
